The history of the creation and development of the National Center for Adoption

The history of the creation of the National Center for Adoption at the legislative level dates back to 1995, when the National Action Plan for the Protection of the Rights of the Child for 1995-2000 was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The National Adoption Center as an independent body began to function in 1997, when a regulation on its formation was adopted by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. September 07, 1997 – the first working day of the employees of the National Adoption Center.

2009 is a record year for the adoption of Belarusian children left without parental care. This year, 582 orphans found a family, which is the highest indicator of the Center’s work over the previous 12 years.

The years 2019-2021 are extremely significant for the National Adoption Center:

– the updated website of the department was launched;

– programs have been launched, in particular, a project to prevent deviant behavior among adolescents, the “Professional to a Professional” project, etc.

Goals and objectives of the National Center for Adoption

The National Adoption Center under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is a state body established to ensure the protection of the rights of minor citizens left without parental care in the Republic of Belarus. The National Adoption Center aims to ensure that every child left without parents finds a family and is brought up in a family.

Structure of the National Adoption Center

The leadership and staff of the department includes:

– director;

– deputy director;

– child protection inspectors (their task is to help candidates for adoptive parents in collecting documents for adoption, determining the list of children left without parental care and other tasks);

– pedagogues-psychologists (all pedagogues-psychologists of the Center have the highest qualification category and a long work experience in their specialty);

– translator;

– accounting.

Functions of the National Adoption Center

National Adoption Center:

– maintains a database of orphans and children left without parental care;

– keeps records of candidates for adoptive parents;

– agrees on issues related to international adoption, as well as the adoption of children within the state;

– performs other functions related to the protection and protection of the rights of children left without parental care.

Legislation on which the activities of the National Adoption Center are based

First of all, the National Center for Adoption of the Republic of Belarus is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

The second normative act regulating the activities of the National Center for Adoption of the Republic of Belarus is the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Marriage and Family. The Code contains norms aimed at protecting the interests of the family and minor children. The Marriage and Family Code also contains norms on the procedure for adoption in the Republic of Belarus, requirements for adoptive parents and adoptive parents.

Further, the activities of the National Center for Adoption are regulated by the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 19, 1993 “On the Rights of the Child”. This is a normative legal act that establishes the rights of minor citizens of the Republic of Belarus. Thus, the Law “On the Rights of the Child” enshrines the inalienable right of minors (persons under the age of eighteen years) to life, to the protection and promotion of health, to education, to citizenship and other inalienable rights.

The work of the National Adoption Center is also regulated by Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus, resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus and other regulatory legal acts.

Advisory point at the National Center for Adoption

Since October 1, 2020, a Counseling Center has been operating at the National Adoption Center. The task of this unit is to advise foster families with specialists.

When contacting the Advisory Center, you can get advice from a psychologist, a teacher, as well as purchase interesting trainings, manuals and materials on the upbringing of children.

For specialists (teachers, psychologists), the staff of the Advisory Center can send useful materials by e-mail. At the same time, both group and individual trainings are conducted in the unit.

If you have any questions related to the adoption of a child in Belarus, and you need help or advice from a lawyer, please contact our lawyers at the email address: or by phone: +375293570355.

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