What is foster care

Children who are left without parents and are brought up in orphanages can be transferred to foster care.

Responsibilities for the maintenance of such children are borne by a boarding school or a vocational institution, that is, an institution acting as a guardian of the child, and the foster caregiver, on the basis of a foster care agreement, takes care of him and educates him during the term of the contract.

The goals of foster care

Patronage education of children is carried out in order to:

– development in children of a sense of family and family education;

– preparation for life in society and social adaptation;

– decent physical and moral development;

– other goals aimed at protecting childhood and increasing the importance of the family institution in society.

Who can’t be a foster carer

A foster caregiver may be a capable citizen of any gender. There are restrictions in the presence of which persons cannot act as foster caregivers.

So, a person cannot be a patronage educator:

– having a criminal record for an intentional crime;

– deprived of parental rights;

– deprived of the right to be an adoptive parent or guardian;

– in respect of which a decision was made on the selection of children;

– persons whose children are on state support;

– persons living with the above-named people.

Rights and obligations of an institution (boarding home, vocational institution, etc.)

The institution has the following responsibilities:

– keeps records of candidates for foster care;

– organizes meetings of candidates with potential pupils;

– responsible for the guardianship of pupils;

– transfers children to foster care;

– monitors the observance of the rights and obligations of foster caregivers in relation to children.

The child is transferred to foster care in a family, taking into account his desire, and children over 10 years old – only with their consent. Moreover, brothers and sisters are transferred to one family, if this does not contradict their interests.

The foster care agreement is concluded for a period of one year. At the end of his term, the pupil returns to the institution.

Rights and obligations of patronage educators

Foster caregivers are obliged to supervise the life and health of children, their physical and moral development, as well as care for them.

The housing conditions in which pupils live must meet all sanitary and household standards and be suitable for meeting the basic vital needs of children.

Foster caregivers are required to notify the institution if a child is injured or has any illness.

The patronage educator must also inform the institution about the commission by the pupil of an administrative offense or crime, unauthorized departure from the foster family and other circumstances that are important for the child.

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