Birth registration procedure

Registration of the birth of a child is made in bodies registering acts of civil status (registry office):

– at the birthplace of the child;

– at the place of residence of both parents;

– at the place of residence of one of the parents.

If the parents desired, the registry office can provide a solemn atmosphere of registration of birth.

Application for registering the birth of a child

The legislator establishes that for registering the birth of a child, parents must submit an application to the registration authority of records of acts of civil status. In the absence of parents, or in the case of the mother’s refusal, the application is submitted:

– close relatives of the child (including grandparents);

– the administration of the healthcare institution where the child was born (if the mother left him and refused him);

– the body of guardianship and trusteeship;

– other persons.

The KOBS of the Republic of Belarus also establishes the deadline for submitting an application for registration of birth. So, it must be submitted no later than 3 months from the date of birth.

If the child was born dead, then it is necessary to register the fact of birth no later than 3 days.

Birthday record

The registering birth of a child, the body makes a record of the birth act and issues a child’s birth certificate.

The record of the birth act indicates the own name, patronymic and surname of the child, as well as information about parents. When applying a husband and wife, who is in an official marriage, in the birth certificate, they are indicated by parents, and the surname, first name, patronymic, and mother are recorded.

The name of the child is usually recorded by the surname of the parents. If the husband and wife have different surnames, then they have the right to agree that the child will bear the name of the mother. It is also possible to give the child a double surname consisting of the name of the father and mother. For example, Petrov-Ivanov (in the case of the birth of a male child) or Novikov-Zasorskaya (at the birth of a female child).

Thus, information about the fact of the birth of a child is fixed in the internal documents of the registering robe and in the birth certificate, which is issued to his parents (close relatives, guardianship and trusteeship, employees of the maternity hospital, and other persons).

Registration of the birth of a child after the death of his father

If the father died before the birth of a child, or declared a deceased by a deceased, then the registry office writes it to the child’s father,

Registration of the birth of a child if the parents are divorced

If the marriage is terminated or invalid, then data about the father and mother as the parents of the child are also indicated in the record of the birth act and in the birth certificate, but provided that no more than 10 months have passed since the marriage or recognition.

If the mother claims that her ex -husband is not the father of the child, then she must write a statement about this when registering birth. Then the father of the child is recorded by the biological father, from the words of the mother.

In addition, in this case, the former spouse must write a statement that he is not the father of the child.

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